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Kim Gidlund

I was born and raised in Sundbyberg. I've always been into painting, and even dabbled in graffiti during my teenage years. My style mainly revolves around black and gray, but with a more cartoony flair. I enjoy working with linework, scripts, mandalas, and various ornamental styles.

Additionally, I paint canvas pieces in abstract and graffiti styles. In 2007, I opened Lifestyle Tattoo, and I've been running it ever since. I absolutely love my job and my Lifestyle.

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Black & Gray and Script

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From Ink to Paint: My Canvas Paintings

Throughout my life, I have painted in various forms. It has been one of the few activities that could captivate my attention and bring me a sense of calm for hours. I've always been fascinated and inspired by graffiti and the street culture behind it. In 2017, I started painting more on canvases and discovered a new way to express emotions and create art in a more colorful manner, as I almost exclusively tattoo in black and grey.

I use different types of colors and techniques when I paint, often incorporating abstract and sometimes heavily graffiti-inspired designs. Painting has become my way to meditate and create simultaneously.

Art is a lifestyle.

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Do you have a tattoo idea that you want to bring to life?

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